Janet leads CFSN and also works with individual clients and teaches classes. Her own experience

“After giving birth to three children, all with ADHD and one diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum, I was faced with many challenges and lacked support from family, schools and physicians. Through trial and error and determination, I used my knowledge and experience as a Fitness Trainer and Owner of a commercial Studio to cope with and overcome the many obstacles of hyperactivity, mood swings, learning difficulties, social inadequacies/rejection and nutritional challenges.”

This led her to establish Certified Fitness for Special Needs, a 501(c)(3) company in 2012. CFSN operates alongside Fitness for U providing an inclusive environment where young children and adults with special needs can enhance their quality of life and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Janet Rollero,
Founder, Master

Personal Trainer

Kelly Gallagher

Special Needs Coordinator

Lynn Aloff

Fitness Director

Walter Blomquist

Administrative Coordinator

Carol Amonica

Personal Trainer

Kathy Vandenburg

Personal Trainer

Sebastian Blomquist